By Bea vonTobel

The Lutheran Church in the San Juan Islands has extended a two-year term call to Pastor Anne Hall.  All three branches voted unanimously to ask the church council to extend the call, and Pastor Hall has graciously accepted.

To begin her work, Pastor Hall has selected the season of Advent—a natural part of the church year for new beginnings.  Because her congregation is composed of three branches, the four Sundays of Advent will be especially busy, as she journeys to Friday Harbor, Lopez and Orcas each week to conduct services and begin her ministry among the islanders.  Beginning Sunday, November 27, ‘the circuit’ will take her to Friday Harbor for a 9:15 a.m. service, to Lopez for an 11: s.e.rvice, and to Orcas for a 2:00p.m. service at Emmanuel Episcopal.

Because of the current size of the Orcas congregation, the current members wish to especially encourage Orcas Lutherans to come and meet Pastor Hall during this Advent season.  The high cost of travel among the islands to travel to three islands each week means that it is possible that the current schedule might be unsustainable after Advent, so we especially invite you to come and lend your presence these four Sundays to encourage her regular Sunday presence here on Orcas.

We have been impressed with Pastor Anne’s energy, sincerity, and genuine caring and listening ability as she visited with all of us, and we think you will feel the same. Come worship with us during Advent!  If you have questions, please call -4462.