Wednesday – Thursday, September 3 – 4, Heartwood House

— from Triana Elan —

Astrologer Triana Elan is making her annual trek to the San Juans to provide personal readings. She will be on Orcas Island on Wednesday and Thursday (the 3rd and 4th of September) at Heartwood House on Langell Lane. Limited slots available so call early to reserve an appointment!

“I love returning to the islands every year,” Triana says. “It gives me a change to reconnect with the many people I’ve come to know as well as get to do readings in person, which is always fun.” Triana lived in the San Juan Islands for a decade and wrote a very popular weekly horoscope column for the Islands’ Weekly for many years. Her prognostication is uncannily accurate and she has seen us through many a big event over the years.

To reserve a reading with Triana, please call 360-383-6531. Triana’s website can be found at