by Katie Wilkins for Orcas Issues —

The Port of Orcas held a special meeting on Thursday, February 7 to address several major recent changes in personnel. These changes may result in significant impacts to the Airport Master Plan, which is due for completion in March 2019. More on that in another article. The port’s next regular scheduled meeting is Thursday, February 14. Unlike special meetings, it will include a public access period.

The port meeting February 7 was held in the airport conference room with port commissioners Dwight Guss, Steve Hopkins, and Greg Sawyer present. Also present were newly appointed commissioner Clyde Duke, airport manager Tony Simpson, and five members of the public.

One of the main purposes of the meeting was to fill two vacancies on the port commission created by the resignations of Brian Ehrmantraut and Shawn Simpson. Both resignations were publicly announced at the previous port meeting on January 10. No reason was mentioned for either resignation. Clyde Duke was appointed by unanimous vote of the remaining commissioners on January 10 to fill Shawn Simpson’s seat, and he was sworn in at the end of the February 7 meeting.

With one seat remaining to be filled, the first item of business at the February 7 meeting was nominating another commissioner. Greg Ayers, Robert Hamilton, and Bea vonTobel were all suggested. It was quickly decided by unanimous vote to nominate Bea vonTobel, who preceded Tony Simpson as the airport manager. If she accepts the appointment, vonTobel, like Duke, will serve as interim commissioner until the next general election in November 2019. At that time, both seats may be contested. Greg Sawyer’s chair will also be up for re-election in November; his current term expires at the end of 2019.

The meeting’s attention then turned to hiring an airport manager to replace Tony Simpson, who previously indicated that he would be leaving his post by February 24. The commissioners lacked consensus as to how long it would take to hire a replacement from among 100 applicants. Suggestions ranged from a couple of weeks to several months. Commissioner Dwight Guss is one of the applicants, which makes for a slight complication. It was agreed that he would need to vacate his chair during the hiring process. There are enough remaining commissioners to vote for a manager, since three make a quorum.

Significant meeting time was also devoted to the idea of adding a second airport manager. Currently there is one airport manager and a grounds keeper/maintenance person.  Tony Simpson suggested the option of a part-time executive director-type position paired with a full-time daily manager. Clyde Duke asked Simpson if it interested him to stay on as a manager under this scenario, and Simpson indicated that if the work load wasn’t too much, he would be interested.

Clyde Duke also offered a motion to hire Dwight Guss as interim manager for six months, with the caveat that Simpson stay on to help train him. There was no second to the motion, so it was tabled until the next meeting. Tony Simpson emphasized that he “can afford flexibility,” and would stay on “as long as required to ensure a smooth transition.” The way this transition plays out remains to be seen. If you are curious about what happens next, and how it will affect the island community, now is a great time to engage. March, and the projected finish time of the Airport Master Plan, are right around the corner.