— from Paul Losleben, Orcas Island Lions Club —

Look who showed up to give blood!

Shown here with Santa and Mrs. Claus are Paul Losleben, Lions Club organizer of the blood drive, and Kim Rose at the registration desk.

To the delight of everyone, there were two unexpected visitors at the December 19 blood drive on Orcas Island. Santa and Mrs. Claus showed up to give the gift of life.

The Orcas Islanders turned out 78 donors amid Holiday music, cookies and a festive atmosphere.

The Orcas Island Lions Club, in cooperation with the Orcas Island Fire and Rescue Service, holds five blood drives per year. Generally it takes the efforts of 14 Lions Club members along with Lindsay Schirmer at the Fire Station to do all the things that make these drives successful.

Local merchants pitch in with a door prize to help add a little excitement; this time Smith & Speed, purveyors of fine gardening tools, provided a gift certificate, just in time for Christmas.

Our next blood drive will be on March 20th. We hope to see you then!