— by Siloam Parsons —

The plan is to leave the weekend of the 23rd.

Siloam Parsons, , Lois Christensen and Colleen Billings load up items donated by Score! Nifty Thrifty

Siloam Parsons, , Lois Christensen and Colleen Billings load up items donated by Score! Nifty Thrifty

I grew up in the Methow Valley and it is a beautiful place filled with beautiful people who have been devastated by the biggest fire in Washington state history. Some families have insurance and some don’t.

I am collecting donations of practical items that are needed by many to recreate a home. The disaster relief is bringing in FEMA trailers from what I understand as most of the families affected are still in shelters.

So, if you have usable items in good to great condition to donate please contact me at 376-3034 or pm on Facebook (Siloam Parsons). I have included a list (below) from the command center as well as a list to help generate ideas. A big thank you to everyone who has donated and will donate. You are blessing many families.


  • Dish Soap
  • Paper Towels
  • Coffee/Tea
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Saran Wrap
  • Water


  • Toilet Paper
  • Body Lotion (no more travel size
  • please)
  • Kleenex (Puffs Plus)

Living room:

  • Folding Tables
  • Free Standing Fans


  • Sleeping pads*
  • Gladiator Shelving from Home Depot (25% off and free shipping in Omak)

Cleaning Supplies:

  • Any & all cleaning supplies!
  • Brooms (shop or utility-sized)*
  • Bleach*
  • Cleaning Sponges
  • Baking Soda


  • Locks & Chains****
  • N-95 Masks for burn areas*
  • Big garbage cans*
  • Goggles*
  • Tarps*
  • Garbage Bags
  • Mosquito Spray (not travel size)
  • Storage Shed (8’x8’ or bigger for donated generators)


  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Local Business Gift
  • Certificates/Vouchers/Gift Cards*
  • Artist Supplies (At least two artists lost all their art supplies: pastels, watercolors, brushes,
  • etc.)
  • Tool Sets (For woodworkers & mechanics who lost them all.)
  • Clothes racks to dry clothes
  • Box Cutters
  • Ice, crushed

*Straight to those who lost everything.

This is the current list from the command center,

  • Things to make a FEMA trailer a home:
  • Beds, mats, sheets, blankets, curtains, sleeping bags, ables, chairs, lamps, tv, vcr, dvd players, radios and computers, pots,pans, cups, plates, silverware, toasters, coffee makers
  • Tools! any and all
  • Artist supplies
  • Children’s items, toys (in good condition) and not too bulky, art supplies
  • Very limited clothing, good coats, shoes (especially for kids)
  • strollers, high chairs, saucers, or activity mats
  • towels