— from Orcas Island School District —

Do you have pets? 

Not at the moment, but we will bring our new puppy home in September. 

Any favorite hobbies or interests outside of work?

Anything outdoors, tinkering with things, watching my grandson grow up.

What kind of music do you like? 

I like all types of music really as long as there is some talent involved. 

What lessons have your work life taught you?

Just do everything to the best of your ability and you can end the day with a satisfied mind.

If you could do anything now, what would you do? 

Time travel. Because I would just like to see for myself.

Do you have any favorite stories from your work life?

I worked at a large shopping mall for 35 years; I have hundreds of stories. I should probably write a book. 

Did you enjoy school?

I didn’t mind school. It had its moments – both fun and difficult. 

Do you have any favorite stories from school?

Paul Anderson visited our school once. He was the world’s strongest man at the time. He performed some amazing feats that day.

Did you ever see yourself living on an island? 

No. Not at all.

What do you like the most about living on Orcas? The least? 

Pros: The weather in the summer, the scenery and the way time passes gently here. Cons: The weather in the winter (lack of sunshine), waiting for the boat. 

Was there a teacher or teachers who had a particularly strong influence on your life?

Mr. James Wendell Ard-eighth grade math teacher, football coach, and owner of one of the grocery stores in town. He taught us some of what we needed to know about numbers, and a lot of what we needed to know about life. He was an exceptional individual.