— from Orcas Island School District —

How would your elementary school or high school classmates remember you? I hope they would think back fondly on our memories together. They might remember me as a basketball player, a student who worked hard in school, someone who was friends with everyone, a girl who loved spending time with her family and friends, and someone whose family managed the local chocolate shop.

Did you have a favorite teacher? When I look back on all of my past teachers, I honestly have fond memories of all of them. The one that stands out to me was Donna Kernutt. She was my senior year English teacher. She always made us work hard and pushed us past where we thought we could go, but supported us along the way. She is truly an inspiration to me. She always made us feel important and loved in her classroom. She really cared about us as people. When my brother decided to become a high school English teacher, he actually got to do his student teaching in her classroom and I was one of his students. She is now a retired public school teacher but continues to travel to Kenya each year and teach English to young girls.

What was your first impression of Orcas Island? I first traveled to Orcas Island in 2009 with my soon-to-be husband. We had never been to the San Juan Islands and were excited to explore Orcas. The second we got off the ferry we knew this was a special place. As soon as we saw Eastsound Park, we knew we had to get married on the island! We absolutely fell in love with the island from the first visit here.

What do you like the most about living on Orcas? We have been living here since December 2018 and there is honestly nothing I miss about my busy life back in Portland. Of course I miss my family back in Oregon, but Orcas is just the right spot for my family. We love the small town feel, we love that there is always something to do, we love that the island is very kid and family focused, and we love the friends we have already made here in such a short time.

Do you have any favorite pets, hobbies, or interests unrelated to school? My husband always asks me what my “hobbies” are and I always tell him that teaching IS my hobby. Outside of school, I love hiking, biking, and reading. I have a three-year-old daughter, so she keeps me busy as well.

Tell us about your first day as a teacher. My first day as a full-time classroom teacher was in 2011. I was teaching first grade and I was so excited to meet my first class of kids. I remember being so amazed that I had finally achieved my dream and was teaching in my very own classroom. Those kids still hold a very special place in my heart.

Tell me about some of the friends you’ve made while teaching. Having teaching friends is so important. They are the only people that truly know what your life is like in a classroom day in and day out. I have made many teaching friends along the way. Good friends allow you to be you but also push you to be a better teacher. I love learning from other teachers and feeling supported by them. I have already made so many new friends while working at OIES as a substitute teacher. I am very excited to grow those friendships this next year.

How is teaching different from how you imagined it to be? I have ALWAYS wanted to be a teacher. My grandpa was a teacher, my aunts were teachers, my mom was a teacher, and my brother is a teacher. I think because I was around teachers growing up, I am actually not too surprised by the life of a teacher. I always knew it would be hard work and I always hoped I would make an impact on students the way my family members had. 

Tell me about a time when teaching made you feel the most hopeful. This past year, I was a part of the “Newcomer Program” for ELL students here on Orcas. I had the opportunity to work with 6-7 students who had just moved here from other countries. After being with those students for just two short weeks, I was so hopeful because I saw the growth, both socially and academically, that they had made in such a short period of time. I saw how important it was to make those personal connections with them so they would feel supported at school each day. I am truly grateful for that experience.

How would you like your students to remember you? I would want them to remember me as the teacher who taught kindness and compassion each day. I would want them to remember me as a teacher who truly cared about them as a person and took personal interest in their lives. I would want them to remember that they will ALWAYS be one of my “kids.”