Aidan McCormick stands in front of the trebuchet made with his brother and friends under the direction of their father. They won first prize in the 2011 Science Fair

Aiden McGregor stands in front of the trebuchet made with his brother and friends under the direction of their father. They won first prize in the 2011 Science Fair. Thanks to Jodi Luft!

from Funhouse Commons
Pete Moe, Krista Bouchey

March 30th is the 10th annual Funhouse Commons Science Fair! To celebrate a decade of fun science, we are opening up the Fair to everyone—with a special invitation to island tinkers, inventors and MAKERS!

The Maker movement is an invention of the Internet age. Ideas and technologies are no longer secrets, but powerful and easily accessible tools for anyone with the interest and an internet connection.

We’ve been inspired by Make Magazine, websites like, and the “hackerspaces” –-community shop/laboratories that are popping up all over the country to help inventors of all ages share ideas and resources. These are, by the way, great places to look for project ideas!

Science Fair 11Cadence Kraayeveldt  005

Cadence Kraayveldt plays withe the ever-popular bubble machine at the 2011 Science Fair

We will still be thrilled to accept any kind of project—from volcanoes to mentos cannons—as long as it incorporates science. As always, every kid wins a prize, and middle and high school students can compete for $2,000 in scholarship money. This year, special consideration will be given to projects that exhibit the “maker” spirit!

And in keeping with the spirit of invention, we are inviting adults to bring in their inventions to show. There will even be an award for the best adult project!

Kids: For more details and rules for submissions, go to our website, You can also talk to your teachers about it.

Adult Makers: Please call the Funhouse Commons to tell us about your invention, space and power requirements. So get to work, and we’ll see you at the 2013 Science & Maker Fair!

Founded by generous members of the Orcas Island community in 2000, The Funhouse Commons is a 501(c)3 non- profit community center with hands-on science exhibits, multi-media labs, art studio, recording studio, climbing wall and much more. The Funhouse Commons also provides essential Teen, After School, Education and Mentor programs for the youth of Orcas Island.

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