The High School Band and Strings under the direction of Martin Lund (left) and Pamela Wright (right) meet every school day at 7:30 a.m. to rehearse.

By Kristen Wilson

The Music Advocacy Group of Orcas Island (MAG) is pleased to announce that they have raised the necessary $9,000 in donations, through their School Music Matters fund, so that the school music program can continue unchanged. The money will allow the school to continue offering separate middle and high school strings and band classes, taught by Pamela Wright (strings) and Martin Lund (band), for the remainder of the school year, as they are at present.

In a letter to Catherine Pederson, President of MAG, Orcas School Board Member Tony Ghazel said, “We accepted the School Music Matters donation and we are on our way to another great music educational year.”

Last summer when MAG became aware that the budget might not allow the music program to be fully funded by the School, Marilyn Anderson instigated a fund named “School Music Matters.” And the Orcas Island community and other friends responded. The High School Strings, directed by Pamela Wright, presented a concert in September, sponsored by Galen, Birch and Joyce Burghardt, which raised more than $2,500. Former students of Marilyn Anderson, wishing to make a gift to the island, made significant contributions to the fund. Additional donations, checks and a large anonymous gift brought the total to the necessary $9,000.

All donations to this fund (up to $9,000) were designated to augment music teachers’ salaries for the rest of the year so that separate classes could continue. Any additional donations MAG receives for the School Music Matters fund will go directly toward the Orcas Island School music program. All donations to School Music Matters are deposited with the Orcas Island Education Foundation (OIEF) administered by them at MAG’s direction – and are used solely for the school music program.

“School Music does Matter to our School Board and Administration!” said Catherine Pederson. “In spite of a tight budget, the Board voted to fund half of the Middle-High School Band and Strings program – so that our fund’s $9,000 will cover the rest. MAG appreciates how very cooperative and supportive the School Board has been.”

“It is gratifying to have this outpouring of support from the community for the music program,” said Catherine Pederson. “Now MAG will be able to give more financial support in other areas that benefit the school music program.” Donations to the School Music Matters fund continue to be accepted. Checks payable to “MAG School Music Matters Fund” can be mailed to MAG, P.O. Box 1170, Eastsound, WA 98245. MAG is a 501(c)(3) corporation.