Vocalist/songwriter Lorraine Feather’s 2009 CD, “Ages,” received a Grammy award nomination in the “Best Jazz Vocal Album” category.

The press release for “Ages,” released in February 2010 says, that the original songs on Ages “range from the hilarious to the heart-rending; Feather’s lyrics cover a wide range of
topics including marriage, death, B vitamins, long-held yearnings, grammar school, and Scrabble—commentaries on life as she has known it “from zero to sixty.” Some of the tracks also incorporate unusual percussion such as a trash can and dog bowl.

“Besides her career as a jazz singer-songwriter, Feather is a working lyricist who has earned seven Emmy nominations.”

Upon hearing news of the nomination, Feather said, “Every album project is a collaboration, but mine are especially so because all the songs are original and the character of the project is largely determined by the music to which I write lyrics. Thanks again to the extraordinary composers: Eddie Arkin, Shelly Berg, Russell Ferante, Bela Fleck, Dick Hyman (and Felix Mendelssohn, wherever he is).”

The Grammy winners will be announced on Feb. 13 at a televised awards ceremony.

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