Kathi Ciskowski joins Polly Sanford to teach a personal biography class April 29-30

Kathi Ciskowski and Polly Sanford to teach workshop April 29-30

Each one of us has a life that unfolds in an individual and unique way…and that is what makes us who we are in the world.

Yet, when we look at our life stories we begin to see the rhythms and patterns that not only form us, but also connect us to one another with objectivity and compassion. In studying our own “biography” we develop an awareness of ourselves that affects how we view our families, friends, and co-workers, deepening our relationships with them. Studying our biographies can awaken our hearts to a new kind of thinking and perceiving which can help to reveal the cycles and archetypes from the past that can enliven the present while building capacities to meet the future.

Our approach to this study will be anchored by teaching each participant how to create a personal Life Chart. Bringing an overview of the phases, rhythms and patterns of life, we will also work with fairy tales and various artistic exercises to enliven your memories and stories and to see your own life and that of others as an archetypal journey through time.

Join Polly Sanford and Kathi Ciskowski for this workshop on Friday, April 29 7:30  to 9 pm and Saturday, April 30, 9 to 4 p.m. on Orcas Island.

Suggested donation is $50 for the full workshop.

Polly completed the “Biography and the Social Arts” course from Sunbridge College in 2006.  In June 2010 Kathi completed the certificate program at the University of Washington in “Family History and Genealogy.” Both Polly and Kathi have worked extensively with Northwest Biography teacher, Bill Bryant, and each have been studying this subject for many years.

Please call Kathi at 376-4186 or email at ciskokid@rockisland.com to register or for any further information.


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