ORCAS ISLAND LIBRARY DISTRICT Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 9 a.m. at the Orcas Public Library

Ø  Welcome & Introductions

Ø  Additions or Modifications to the Agenda

Ø  Routine Matters

         Approval of Minutes from January 9 Regular Meeting

     Approval of Minutes from January 18 Special Meeting

         Vouchers & Payroll

Ø  Public Comment

Ø  Planning and Priorities

Ø  New Business

         Bylaws Modification – Meeting Agenda Structure

         Director’s Report

         Friends of the Library

Ø  Reports from Active Committees

         Resources and Programs

         Community Relations

         Facilities & Systems

         Policy & Personnel


Ø  Public Comment

Ø  Other

Ø  Adjournment

Calendar – Meetings & Events

·         February 18   Presidents’ Day Holiday – Library Closed

·         February 21   Black History Month Program:  AAWA Poets at 6:00pm

·         February 24   Author Reading: Sam Gailey, The Guilt We Carry, at 1:00pm

·         February 27   Humanities Washington Program:  Author Clyde Ford at 6:00pm

·         March 9          Friends Winter Book Sale, 10:00am – 3:00pm, OISD Cafeteria

·         March 12        Friends Board monthly meeting at 3:30pm

·         March 13        Library Board monthly meeting at 9:00am

Janet Marlow

Administrative Services