Practically the very last thing the citizens of San Juan County need is for the Freedom Foundation, from Olympia, WA, and its media affiliate Citizens Action Network, to expose the evils of the county’s Community Development & Planning Department and Friends of the San Juans.  Just possibly, without their help, the Dalton case on Orcas would have been resolved a year ago at a much lower financial and emotional cost to the landowners and to our community

Do San Juan Islanders really need organizations like the Freedom Foundation and its wealthy supporters, including, according to SourceWatch, organizations and individuals associated with the Koch Brothers, the Mellon Scaife family, the Walton family, and the Heritage Foundation, to intrude into our community, police our public and private institutions, and help us protect our environment from environmentalists?

Do the citizens of Orcas Island really want an organization like the Freedom Foundation hijacking its community meetings, as it tried to do on February 22 at a public meeting organized by Friends of the San Juans to provide citizens of Orcas on both sides of the issue with an opportunity to exchange views on the Dalton case in an intelligent and respectful manner?  But before the meeting even started, a representative of the Freedom Foundation tried to take over the meeting, even suggesting that the traditional guidelines for conducting public meetings on Orcas be ignored. Fortunately, the volunteer community facilitator leading the discussion was able to regain control, although the boorish and uncivil behavior of the Freedom Foundation’s supporters continue unabated.

Most citizens of San Juan County are unaware that the Freedom Foundation and its supporters have much bigger fish to fry. They are normally busy protecting our entire state from teachers, labor unions, gay rights legislation and so forth. When they aren’t working on state issues, their network of supporters is protecting the entire country from anyone not signing the Grover Norquist anti-tax pledge, and vigorously opposing campaign finance reform, women’s health and reproductive rights, increased regulation of Wall Street, and Hilary Clinton. So it is interesting to note that they are prepared to devote some of their unlimited financial resources to reforming our county, one of the smallest in the state.

And it is also worth pondering just why the local supporters of the Orcas Eagle Forum, Citizens Alliance for Property Rights, and the Common Sense Alliance would align themselves with such an outfit as the Freedom Foundation.

Jon Christoffersen
Shaw Island