Tough times or good times, it seems to me that the very best way to make sure our society can be successful for all is to make sure we have well educated people to run that society. The only way to do that is for all of us to join together to support good education. We’ve been waiting for the state to fully fund since the 1977 Doran decision… so we’d best not wait for the latest State Supreme Court decision to force the legislature to fully fund our schools.  We need to do it!  And we need to do it now!

Yes, after working at OISD for just under 30 great years, the Orcas schools are dear to my heart. And yes, I do have 3 terrific grandsons attending the schools and I care mightily that their educational needs be met.  That’s my full disclosure, but beyond all that, there are hundreds more children on our island who need the best we can give

Please join me in voting yes for our schools’ levy.

Coleen O’Brien