From and on behalf of the Orcas Island Booster Club:

At the last meeting of the Orcas Island Booster Club, we accepted the resignation of Vicki Vandermay from our board. Normally replacing a board member would not warrant a letter to the editor, but Vicki’s service to our group and to the students and families of our island has been anything but normal.

Several years ago when the fate of school supported athletics came into question, Vicki was one of the first to step up and help bring a solution to the problem. Throughout the fight to maintain the athletic program, Vicki was both and active fundraiser and a vocal advocate. Her dedication and belief in the positive life experiences that athletics bring to our kids went a step further last year when she stepped in and assumed the role of Athletic Director for the school district. While serving both as a Booster and as the AD, Vicki has walked a tightrope of both advocacy and administration – and done so in a manner well beyond the call of duty. The hours she has dedicated to both roles are too numerous to quantify.

In addition to these roles, Vicki serves our community and our children by actively serving as a commissioner on the Parks and Rec board, as a PTSA board member and regularly filling in as a substitute teacher at the public school .

While we will miss Vicki as a Booster Club board member, we look forward to working with her as she continues to serve the OISD students by building and guiding the athletic program well into the future.

On behalf of the Orcas Island Booster Club and every student who has benefited from your service by being given the chance to participate in Middle and High School athletics we would like to say Thank You!