When we asked our children what their most memorable island activities have been outside of school, we weren’t surprised to hear that the majority have been related to Orcas Rec and the Funhouse:  learning to swim, learning to sail, Buck Park sports, circus camp, soccer camp, cooking class, activities at the Funhouse.  It is hard to imagine their island experience without them.  If you have kids, or you know island kids, ask them what it would be like here if those opportunities were to disappear tomorrow.

The shocking truth is that without support for this levy, many programs like these will disappear as of November 1st when County funding for Orcas Rec ends.

These organizations have been creating safe activities, safe environments, and even safe havens for our island youth.  They have also been providing learning opportunities for adults as well:  we have picked from adult classes in computers, finances, cooking, art classes, CPR, first aid, nature hikes and beach walks.

With County support for Orcas Rec now eliminated, with resources for Buck Park cut back, with funding for nonprofits in serious decline, with this especially difficult economy —  it is all the more urgent to invest in those things that keep our children engaged, inspire ongoing learning, and enrich our island experience.

David Kau and Susan Stoltz