The polarization of opinion here has reached a fever pitch which is threatening the future of the San Juan Islands. There are environment concerns which are bitterly opposed by property right advocates. This division exists nationally.

On the national scene this division in reflected by short term interests of corporations looking at immediate concerns with next quarter’s profits as opposed to long term sustainable growth. Thanks to the Citizen’s United Supreme Court 5-4 ruling money is speech and a few corporate interests such as the Koch brothers Freedom Foundation can drown out the voices of most Americans.

What is worse they can use the threat of lawsuits to intimidate such as the Common Sense Alliance lawsuits against Council members who for voted for charter reform. The majority of voters wanted charter reform but by filing lawsuits and running up legal costs, the minority anti- environmental forces here are seeking to overcome the votes of the pro-environmental majority by threats.

We have to let them know we will not be intimidated and will defend the fragile and beautiful environment of the San Juan Islands. What is next, lawsuits against individuals who express their views in the local newspaper?

Rick Steinhardt