Until I moved to Orcas, I never experienced anything like the community we have here. Last week I attended two fun, heart-filling benefit events.

First was the benefit for Morgan Meadows and her family. Those who attended the evening of poetry, music and munchies at the Odd Fellows Hall were very generous, with their donations and with bidding on silent auction items from artists and small business owners in our community. We raised a little over $1,000 and Morgan was able to pay her mortgage this month. I know what it’s like to be sick and still have to work. I’ve been very upset by all the foreclosures across the country, and when I learned about Morgan’s situation I thought if I could help one person avoid foreclosure, it would be Morgan.

The second benefit I attended was the Chili Cook-Off to raise funds toward a cure for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), hosted by Suzanne and John Olson. They provided a lovely afternoon of fabulous food, lively camaraderie, and live music by some of our talented local young musicians. All of the chilis, provided by chefs from several fine Orcas eateries, as well as by Suzanne and John, were delicious!! We judged them responsibly, took our time, cleaned our pallets between tastings, and went back for a second or third taste when necessary. It was a great time and for a great cause.

I lost my Aunt Judy to complications from MS a couple of months ago. She lived with the disease for over 30 years. A good friend on Orcas, Jim Allan, has such an advanced case of MS that he needs round-the-clock care and is facing the loss of his house due to the expense of that care. Jim has brought his unique gift to our community, hosting festive Robbie Burns Suppers in Deer Harbor and keeping many of us in stitches with jokes via email.

I feel such gratitude for the support of our community and for being in a position to help friends in need.

Sharon Abreu

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