Thank you OIEF for paying to keep our library open for the rest of the year, because we love our library.

It made us feel really sad when we heard it was going to have to close.  Because it has all of our favorite books, and when it rains outside during recess we can come inside and draw or read or play games.  We would really be unhappy if the library wasn’t there because the library is a big part of what we like about school.  It’s a place where you can sit down and be alone, where you can talk to people, and have a fun time .  It’s a place to go when you’re cold during recess.

It always makes us happy because the library always has just the right books for every person. Always the best books with the best stories.  We love the variety of picture books for a quick read, and we love taking a book home for the weekend.

The librarians have always been really nice and helped us find the right books.  And if we didn’t have a library, the school would feel empty.  We want to somehow raise money so that the library will stay open next year, so all the kids can be happy.


Millie Kau (5th grade) and Camryn Thompson (4th Grade)