Dear Friends,

The island is in full glory, summer having arrived very late for us. Unlike much of the rest of the country, June and July were very cool and rainy. No complaints. The gardens are overflowing with bounty, and now we are savoring the sun and blue skies.

Our hearts have been with the people of Japan as they try to adjust their lives to the new reality of living with an ongoing nuclear disaster on their soil, and the long long process of recovery after the earthquake and tsunami of March.

As you know, I participated in several benefit concerts in the spring. Many hearts and hands. Our intention was to use the funds gathered to support the recovery directly in the Sendai area. Our friends, Tokiko Oyama, and Yayoi Akabane helped us search for just the right place. Oyama-san finally suggested the Okawa Elementary School in Ishinomaki. The school was destroyed.70 of the 110 students, and 10 of the 11 teachers were taken by the tsunami.

Last month, Yayoi and Oyama-san journeyed to Ishinomaki to present the beautiful wooden box crafted by our Orcas Island shop class and messages writen by students to the school board. They were so moved to hear of our gift, and to read the heartfelt expressions of our kids. They reported that although they have received much support from within Japan, this was the first direct expression of sympathy and support from outside.  In the months since the disaster, the board has realized that before it can rebuild the school, they must make a Memorial to the students and teachers lost. Our fund of  $ 27,564.25 was wired to Ishinomaki last week and will be used to help create this Memorial.

I want to express my gratitude to so many people for helping to make this gifting possible. Dick Staub and Maureen Hansen from the Orcas Island Community Church for providing a place for us to gather the funds through Helping Hands Japan, and also to Dick and the church for providing a place immediately for the 1st concert. To Patrick and Jenny Bennet for making video of that concert. Clayton Parsons and friends for sponsoring a second Orcas Island concert in Deer Harbor. To the Orcas Island Acapella Choir for sharing that concert with me. To Kirk Fuhrmeister and Isle’ Be Jammin’ Music store in Friday Harbor for sponsoring the concert there. To Kate Munger and the Threshold Choirs of the Bay Area for the concerts they supported. To Yuko Gower and the staff of the El Cerrito Congregational Church. To Kentaro Kihara for traveling all the way from Japan to donate his time and musicianship. To Ted Moore for joining in. To Nancy Rumbel for initiating and producing the concert in Seattle. To her and Overton Berry, Andre Ferante and Jeff Davies for making such beautiful music.  To Tim Rasmussen for donating sound, and Seattle Unity and staff for the space and support. To Mark Padbury and the Orcas Island High School Shop class for crafting a beautiful donation box. To Nancy May Knapp and her students for collecting $1000 in donations, and for their letters.

And especially you dear friends, whereever you are, for your donations and prayers. every little bit matters.

Our lives are woven together on this small green planet.

Susan Osborn

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