Thank you to the volunteers that came to Moran State Park for the Friends annual clean up. You worked hard and efficiently! At the end of the day with a few straggling volunteers still working diligently, the park rangers were so impressed with all we accomplished. The park is almost ready for the flood of eager visitors.

A special thanks to our luncheon hosts. Three Friends who each year, eagerly offer their time and support; Pat Muffett, Karen and Ken Speck.  You provided a wonderful variety for the luncheon and satisfied many hardy appetites.

Thank you to Rusell Barsh for an engaging lecture about our rough skinned Newts that migrate across Mt. Constitution Rd several times a year. We look forward to working with Rusell and learning more about Newts this summer in the Summit History & Science Center.

Thank you to all, we can do so much collectively for our park.  The number of people that came to lend a hand just shows how important our park is to our community!

On behalf of Friends of Moran State Park,

Michel Vekved, President, Friends of Moran State Park