Parents of the Orcas Island Science Clubbers (grades 3-7) would like to thank and acknowledge KWIAHT, and specifically Russel Barsh and Madrona Murphy as well as their associates (Jack Bell, Charlie, and Amanda) for their unwavering commitment to promoting science and educating kids, especially re the local ecosystem — teaching that they can make a difference in improving their environment.

Over the last few years of the club’s existence, Russel and Madrona have worked with any and all interested children, no matter the level of experience. And, instead of simply having the kids watch, they have guided them through some difficult and complex data gathering and testing. Rain or shine and through a number of other challenges, they have made the trips from Lopez to provide the group with a variety of wonderful hands-on learning experiences — from plant identification to low tide walks to actual lab work (and field work for that matter!).

We are all sincerely grateful.

Michele Griskey, Beth Morris, Barb Skotte

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