I lived on Orcas for a few years. Reading “Silent Night in Victorian Valley” brought me back to those (sometimes) snowy nights at the chapel. To listen to Susan. To be with friends. To be part of “…the atmosphere of hush and song.”
I also went to the chapel a few other times with a friend. We sat quietly. We sang. I played my flute.This chapel is one of the magical places on Orcas.
Another place that soothed my soul was Madrona Point — sitting near the edge of a cliff watching the water, writing in my journal, sketching, letting my heart and mind expand out. It was here that I first saw the beautiful Madrona trees. I spent many, many hours there. In happiness. In sadness. But I always walked away a little changed, my perspective altered.
The beauty and peace of the island always worked its magic on me.
Living on Orcas was a very healing time for me, after the intensity of years working as a legal secretary in Washington, D.C. My time there was so special, filled with friendships of those who were fairly new to this world, to those who were my elders, and those in between.
Thanks for inspiring these memories.

Sandy Friedman-Harmon (aka Sarala)