For the twelve years that we have owned Victorian Valley Chapel we have listened to cars arrive for three nights at this time of year, their headlights giving guidance to those walking down for Susan Osborn’s Christmas concerts.

This year, a busy schedule has kept Susan from coming to the chapel, and the empty echo of song and laughter leave a hollow for us here. Sometimes, especially when snowing, we would sneak up the hill above the chapel and listen to Susan’s voice call to the winter spirit of long nights and feel her light-infused soul warmth. The happiness that we felt at this community gathering, of the real spirit of the holiday, and of the atmosphere of hush and song, is one of the things we love about Orcas. Our hearts fill with gratitude to Susan, and to all those who have been part of the concerts for 20 years.

This holiday season, feel free to wander down and sit in the peace and quiet of the chapel. It belongs to all of you. Enjoy its peace; the doors are always open.

The Smith Family