Dear Editor,

Our heartfelt gratitude to all who welcomed our Japanese visitors, dancers Tokiko Oyama and Koji Ogushi; makeup artist Mitsue Nakashio, and translator, Yayoi Akabane, and supported their performance July 18 at the Oddfellows Hall in Eastsound.

They were so moved by our communities support after the earthquake and tsunami last year, and by all the kindness and love shown to them during their visit. All of the artists donated their performance, and Ms Oyama requested that the proceeds be given to a local organization that supports children and families. $1200 was collected at the door for our Food Bank.

We would especially like to thank the following: Dick Staub and the Orcas Island Community Church for hosting the benefit last year, and for helping us hold the funds until we could deliver them to Japan; Kandis Susol and Gwen Stamm for an exquisite welcoming tea ceremony; Orcas Island Oddfellows for use of the hall; Jay Kimball, for help setting up and for playing Lakotah flute; Nancy Rumbel for accompanying the dancers; Maureen Freehill from Whidbey Island for donating her performance; Nile Reed and Deborah Sparks for help setting up; and Michelle Reed and Suzanne Heyd for providing refreshments at intermission.

This is yet another Orcas Island event that could not happen without many, many helping hearts and hands. Arigato Goziemashita!

Susan Osborn and David Densmore