Providing our island children with a strong education is vital to the health of our community.  Achieving this in a state ranked 38th in the nation for funding public schools is especially challenging during one of the toughest economic times in recent history.

Our school district leaders have worked diligently to create a sensible proposal that asks voters to approve a four-year levy to provide about 25% funding for vital operating expenses including the salaries of all personnel, and such basics as keeping the lights on and books to read. The new four-year levy would replace an existing operational levy at a savings to tax payers of one cent per thousand.

It is important to note that the capital levy passed by islanders last November paid for critical upgrades to the elementary school like heating and clean water.

We have a great school!  Teachers, staff, students, parents, community members and leadership have worked hard to create a positive environment where all children receive a strong education.  That strong education yields graduating seniors who go on to successful lives as contributing citizens.

Please join us in support of our fantastic school and vote “yes” for the Orcas Island School District Levy.

Kevin and Nancy O’Brien