To The Editor:

I would like to point out the reality that all ecosystems effect each other around the Globe. While San Juan County can only be responsible for the areas within this county, it is not unreasonable to demand we do everything we can to mitigate damages to our local ecosystem. The Sky may not be falling, but while credible scientists predict that the surface of the earth may not be habitable to humans within 100 years, I think it definitely behooves us to look at the macrocosm and take seriously the survival of the human species by doing everything we can locally to preserve our natural environmental systems.

While having mandated rules forced upon citizens is no where near the best form of cooperative society, many people do not seem conscious enough to take it upon themselves to not pollute their neighbor’s drinking water and all life around them.

I think real education for All would solve the problem, if Everyone was able to see the path humanity is heading, toward our ultimate death as a species, we would know to be responsible enough not to pollute wetlands for any reason or purpose. Humanity has simply not come to that level of understanding yet, it seems, not even in the Islands.

I call upon everyone to open their minds to move beyond property lines and take care of the whole spectrum of life in this county and on this entire planet.

There are people who have the ability to understand what is best for the whole and are in rapport with, and can vocalize the pain of the disappearance of species and healthy ecosystems. Others have not moved their compassion or their caring beyond their own physical selves and their personal property.

The people yelling “the sky is falling” can FEEL that the Earth’s whole biosphere is indeed dying. They actually FEEL the pain of the bats and the birds and the trees.

Ask yourself, “Can I FEEL the Pain of the Trees and the Animals? The other human beings who live with me?” And if you can’t, ask yourself, “Should I be making these decisions for the people who can?”  Humanity can no longer afford to be selfish. We are living in one of the last “relatively” unspoiled places on the planet. Let us not spoil it now!

Domenic Verbano