Dear Community,

I am lucky enough to have attended Orcas Island Public Schools ever since I was in Pam Jenkins’ kindergarten class. As a senior now, I am thankful for the education and experience that I received from my time in school.

I am very happy to see that the school board has decided to continue pursuing the school bond. Although the changes proposed will not affect me in any way, I feel it is my responsibility to ensure that students, younger than myself, are able to have a positive experience as well.

From a student’s perspective, the school needs a little work. Whether it is the blustering fans down our backs, rundown restrooms, or sports fields that we cannot play on; the condition of the school is a factor in the every day life of all students. Additionally, in a community overflowing with craftsmen it is a shame that the vocational program in the high school is so limited. If the community supports the passing of the new school bond, all schools in the Orcas Island School District will have a better learning environment.

I am in full support of the School Board’s decision to continue pursuing a school bond. The improvements proposed for the school are necessary in order for all students to learn in an environment without distractions. The changes are way overdue and I encourage you all to reconsider the bond this August.


Lanie Padbury
Orcas Island High School Senior