— from Betty Jean Rodenberger, prepared for the Aug. 15-16 OISD Phase III Community Discussion —

Sixty years ago, on March 13, 1956, the voters of Orcas Island School District (OISD) approved a bond to build a new physical education auditorium building to replace the aging gymnasium at the school in October, 1957, a public dedication was held for the NEW GYM.

As the population of Orcas Island dramatically increased, the Nellie S. Milton School, with its spacious kitchen and cafeteria could no longer accommodate a kindergarten through twelfth grade. Several buildings have been added over the years, including a NEW High-school gym. That was when the nickname, “OLD GYM” began to be used to refer to our magnificent, Rainbow-Roof gymnasium which was so …. Well-built, and has been very cared for over the decades of its service to our schools and community.

We, the students of the 1950s through the 1970s, and we, the residents of Orcas Island, propose that the gym be named for a respected and appreciated coach of the time, just as the athletic field was named in 2007 for Coach Dennis Dahl flowing his retirement. Mrs. Milton was deeply honored as well when the new red-brick school was named for her, two years after she retired in 1948.

We are aware of the School District Policy on Naming District Facilities: quote “The use of names of living persons shall be avoided UNLESS the circumstances warrant an exception.”

After I wrote to the School Board last year about the need for a good name for the gym, a surprising thing happened a few months later. A name popped into my mind. Recently when I was shopping at Island Market, a classmate from our 1965 graduating class said that the same name had come to his mind!

Now, when I mention the coach’s name to students of those years, many of them agree that the gym [should] be formally named for Coach Bob Curtis.

Bob Curtis grew up on Orcas and graduated from Orcas High School in 1948. During his high school years he was secretary-treasurer of the Sophomore Class, was in the Junior and Senior plays, Lettermen’s Club President , Basketball three years, Baseball two years, Viking Staff one year, on Hyou Wawa Staff two years.

Mr. Curtis graduated from Western Washington College of Education (as it was known at that time). Bob Curtis and Pat Lehmann were married in 1955. Their sons Bart and Brett were raised on Orcas and graduated from Orcas Island High School.

Mr. Curtis returned to Orcas as a teacher in 1957, the year the new gym was built!

During the years of his service to our schools, Mr. Curtis was Athletic Director. Basketball and Baseball Coach,. He also taught General Math, 7th and 8th grade history, Drivers’ Education and Boys’ P.E.

Here is a quote from the 1974Viking Yearbook: “The Sonics should have Mr. Curtis as coach in four years. They’ll take the national Championship!”

We will attempt to obtain as many signatures as possible in support of our request to give Coach Bob Curtis this very high honor of naming our wonderful gymnasium for him, even though the gym may still be verbally referred to as “old.”