In these times of chronic state underfunding of our public schools, especially including our school libraries, we here on Orcas have yet another example of how fortunate we are to live in such a caring community.  On December 3rd, the PTSA sponsored its third annual Family Reading Night at the school library, and simultaneously held a Scholastic Book Fair, which continued through December 5th.  Both were resounding successes and enabled us to directly provide hundreds of new books to our school library and classrooms!

Of course, events such as these don’t succeed without many dedicated volunteers.  First, thank you to my fellow PTSA Board members (and book fair volunteers!)—Anne Garfield, Michelle Kostechko, Vicki Vandermay, Jennifer Pietsch, Kristen Wilson and Susan Stolmeier, for their work to make the events a success, and to the many other volunteers who staffed the Book Fair, helped with set-up, etc.—Dawn Light, Kate Long, Nancy O’Brien, Ellen Goldberg, Laurie Mayhew Waage, Bob Connell, Mathew Chasanoff, Lynne Howe, Scott and Judy Whiting,  as well as Santa and Mrs. Claus, who took time from their busy schedule this time of year to read at the Reading Picnic. 

Special thanks to School Librarian, Maria Doss, who helped every step of the way, and whose enthusiasm for the book fair and love of reading helped make the Reading Night and Book Fair the success it was.  

Finally, and most importantly, thank you to all the students, teachers and community members who purchased books—you’ve helped our school immensely!

Barb Skotte, PTSA President