I’m writing to support Lovel Pratt’s candidacy for County Council, District 1.

In my role as a member of Lopez No COALition, I have had the pleasure of working with her and seen her in action in her role as a County Council member on the issue of the proposed coal export terminal at Cherry Point. I have been very impressed by her commitment in defense of SJ ecology and economy.

I found her to listen well, work hard and strategically, build alliances and take effective action in leading the County Council to have a clear, strong voice in the Environmental Impact Statement process thus far. I have confidence that her vision, skills and knowledge will serve us well on the issue of coal export as well as others of significance to our islands.

I also support what she stands for: thriving local economy, ecology and community. Please vote for Lovel Pratt.

Chom Greacen
Member of Lopez No COALition