An effective school board plays the important role of keeping the Orcas Island School District on track. The school board sets policies; establishes the vision and goals for the district; and holds the district administration accountable for results. This fall we have three board members running for re-election. Two board members are running unopposed.

We are not satisfied with the current school boards ability to hold district administration accountable and believe that change is needed. That is why we intend to vote for change – we are supporting Justin Paulsen for school board. Justin is a long time community member who has attended many school board meetings over the past few years. Justin is not afraid to ask tough questions. His questions of the current school board and administration often do not get quick answers, but he keeps persevering. This is an important life skill: PERSERVERENCE. We need school board members that will ask tough questions and hold our district administration accountable! We encourage you to join us and vote for Justin Paulsen.

Dimitri and Lorena Stankevich