Dear Fellow Islanders,

Orcas Island is in the final stretch of making a decision on levy funding for the Parks and Rec District.  If you have not yet voted, you have until Tuesday, February 8 and we would encourage you to make your voice heard, yay or nay.

We, the elected five commissioners, wish to extend our appreciation to the many caring and committed people who have worked very hard to get out the vote and help Orcas Island decide its Park and Rec future.

Any discussion involving people’s kids, their pocketbooks or the role of governmental bodies, even one as small, local and accountable as this, is going to generate many impassioned points of view and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the thoughtful exchange of opinions that have characterized the many months leading up to this levy vote. It has truly represented local democracy at its best and we are proud to serve and be part of such an active and involved community.

With appreciation,


OIPRD commissioners

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