To the editor-

Our family chose to stay on Orcas in part because of the quality of the school.  Our son Ry will graduate from OIHS this year, having attended since Kindergarten..  Over the years, we have had some great successes and a few challenges, but the overall experience has been very good for our family.  We are grateful to the folks who lived on Orcas so many years before we arrived for their forethought in building the brick elementary that has served our community for generations.  And to whomever planted that fabulous maple, bravo!

The upcoming bond request is a great opportunity to both thank those who contributed to the school in the past and to pay it forward.  The School Board has been remarkably diligent in assessing the needs, listening to concerns and crafting a plan that will serve our community well.  Our school needs and deserves long overdue repair and construction.  Our community has invested in the school for generations and it is now our chance to invest for future generations.  Please join us in voting yes on the school bond in November. And, congratulations, Ry,  you ‘re almost done!

Hilary Canty and Hank Date