Last Tuesday, September 14, 2010, SJC PW Director Jon Shannon told the County Council that he planned to present a 2011 balanced budget for solid waste that would be a “one-station” system and would close the San Juan Island and Lopez Island transfer stations. The one station would be on Orcas and possibly create traffic problems near the Orcas transfer station.

This proposal is not acceptable and should be discarded now without spending more time on it.

Consistent with what I have continually said, our 2011 solid waste budget must include a three-station system, thinned down as much as possible and workable. We will have to have a solid, detailed, and realistic proposal of how to pay for the three transfer-station system, primarily through garbage fees paid for and shared equitably for by the dumping fees paid by both individuals, the Town, and San Juan Sanitation.  Mr. Shannon should bring a transparent, clearly explained 2011 budget to that effect to the Council as soon as possible.

Bob Myhr, San Juan County Council, District 6