— from Gay Wilmerding —

National Pink Out Day on September 29th coincides with Planned Parenthood’s twenty years of service in Friday Harbor.

September 5th, arson destroyed Pullman’s Planned Parenthood’s Health Center raising the question: if an individual disagrees with 3-4% of a program, would our town institutions be rubble?

Abortion is a very small percentage in the scope of services Mount Baker Planned Parenthood provides to Bellingham, Mt. Vernon and San Juan. Effective dissemination of information and education improve outcomes lowering abortion rates and cost of care.

For instance, Mount Baker Planned Parenthood offers breast and cervical screening to identify and treat cancer in early stages. Outreach to youth reduces sexually-transmitted infection and pregnancy. Language and financial guidance aid client navigation for insurance coverage and payment.

Critics and media too often black out good news. Expanding internet presence and telemedicine make reproductive health care more accessible for isolated individuals, for remote locations or where laws are restrictive. Defying Comstock postal regulation limiting family planning, founder Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) would smile as advocates distribute by drone in Poland, today.

One in five females of reproductive age, nationwide, use PP and males are the fastest growing cohort. Its motto “Care. No matter what” affirms the oldest meaning of “in the pink”, pinnacle.

Don pink on Tuesday and consider a tax-deductible gift. You can mail your donation to Mount Baker Planned Parenthood 1509 Cornwall Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98225. When you give a donation to Mount Baker, all funds stay local and are used in Bellingham, Mt. Vernon and Friday Harbor Health Centers. You can designate Friday Harbor, only, via Mount Baker Planned Parenthood donation. If you give to Planned Parenthood nationally, only a portion may reach Friday Harbor.

Celebrate good service and wish all happiness and health, in the pink.