To my beloved Island Community,

This is a belated “Thank You” to all who helped put together the “Mother of all Garage Sale Benefits”, which was held at the Odd Fellows Hall on Sunday, May 27.
By all accounts, it was a wonderful community gathering and a good time was had by all. There were musicians on the deck, a mountain of baked goods to eat and an amazing Silent Auction.

The Odd Fellows Hall was overflowing with thousands of donated items; some valuable, many useful, some whimsical and others delightfully ridiculous. Many thanks to all the islanders who dug through their garages and attics to retrieve items for donation.

I want to thank all whom did the heavy lifting and the “truck packing and unpacking heroes. I also wish to thank all of the people who helped set up & organize the tables, the decorations that were left from the dance the night before and all those who helped clean up and pack away the remnants. It was a huge effort and a great success!

There are five women to who I wish to give my heartfelt appreciation. They were the inspiration and moving force behind the entire event. Sarah Coffelt, Ginny Lu Wood, Liz Schermerhorn, Gracie Grantham and my wife, Elaine.
The generosity of this island community is truly inspirational and although I sometimes feel self conscious and embarrassed about being the center of so much love and attention. We are all so greatly blessed to live in such a caring community.

I wish you all the very best of good health and great spirit

Joe Goodrich