— by Heather Dew Oaksen —

Many thanks to David Turnoy for his Guest Opinion: Make a Difference in a Child’s Life explaining the very real need for additional youth mentoring on Orcas; as the filmmaker of MINOR DIFFERENCES, the documentary he mentioned, which follows five former juvenile offenders from boys to men, I have witnessed first-hand the positive impact of the mentoring process.

I feel incredibly lucky to live in a small, caring community, full of talented and generous adults–where it is possible to short-circuit problems as they arise, BEFORE they become insurmountable. As David mentioned, we already have successful programs/staff on island that can guide our efforts. All that is needed is more volunteers.

Though it might seem intimidating to offer yourself as a mentor, and to commit one or two hours a week—to listen, read, walk, fish, cook, etc., it is really a mutually satisfying exchange that takes place. I guarantee that you will benefit as much as your mentee. Both the Primary Intervention Program and the Funhouse staff are skilled in matching partners of all ages for a positive experience. Please consider talking with them. If you are still not convinced that you can make a difference in a child’s life, check out my film at the Orcas Public Library. Their stories speak for themselves