Many of you know that long-time resident and our beloved Orcas Center Theatre Director was recently diagnosed and treated for a cancerous tumor and had to spend considerable time off-island while she received chemo and radiation. The treatments were successful and follow-up appointments have been scheduled for the next two years.

As her medical bills accrued, her working hours were cut back at Orcas Center which has challenged her ability to pay basic living expenses along with making consistent payments on past and current medical bills.

Several of her friends and have set up a medical fund account at Islanders Bank under the name of “Deborah Sparks” to help her with her medical bills. All funds deposited into this savings account will go directly to the hospitals where she received treatment.

Donations are gratefully received at Islanders Bank and can be made or transferred into the “Deborah Sparks Medical Fund”

Please know that Sparks and her family greatly appreciate any contributions to this fund and are grateful for all the emotional support they have received from friends and the Orcas community during this difficult time.

Friends of Sparks