I  ask you to “Be not Afraid ”  to let the people of San Juan County  put forth an initiative if and when  it is conceived  to be in the best interest of it’s citizens.
Scare tactics that the whole county government  structure is in jeopardy if  “Prop 1” would be passed  are ridiculous.  Any group can be accused of  “special interest.” Much of what we accomplish in our society is initiated by a few  –  brought to  the the whole  body and then decided upon  –  be it at an organization / club / government,  etc .
To deny the ability for an initiative from the people is plain wrong. I say that those who ask you to vote no on Prop 1 are a “special interest group ” in themselves. Let the campaign  to vote against  it speak for itself.  I urge you, do not let the opportunity to for the people to bring forth an initiative,  regardless of its content.  The process is not easy to even get on the ballot and then the voters will decide.
What is being asked by Proposition 1 is the right to bring to the voters  properly petitioned  initiative,  if and when  enough people care to .
I ask  what is wrong with that ? I shall vote YES on Prop 1 and ask you to do the same.
Velma Doty