We must do something. Here is a copy of the letter I sent to all Washington’s representatives:

In January 2011, I wrote you a letter conveying my deep concerns about the use of assault rifles in today’s world. I wrote you a second letter in June 2012 after the horrific murders in Aurora, Colorado. Now it is December 2012, and I am compelled to write you again. Tragically, I have seen no progress in addressing this issue, and this time it was 20 small children who were gunned down.

As I said in my original letter, I support the Second Amendment — but only as it was originally intended. The authors of our Constitution intended that citizens have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The Second Amendment does not give anyone the “right” to deprive 20 children of a long a productive life, deprive their teachers to their liberty to work in a safe environment, and deprive their parents of the exquisite happiness in raising a child.

Please re-read my letter:

The tragedy of the rampage in [Tucson][ Colorado] Connecticut was not “unexpected”. Assault weapons are designed for one purpose only — to kill human beings.

As long as these weapons of mass destruction are available to people, human beings will be killed by them. These deaths are “crazy”, but not because crazy people caused them. They are crazy because our Congress fails their constituents and allows anyone, crazy or not, to possess such weapons.

The Second Amendment was written in a time when “arms” were flintlock rifles. I fully support the right of every American to possess a flintlock rifle. I DO NOT support the crazy idea that assault weapons are part of the Second Amendment rights.

Please be a leader in Congress to ban assault weapons.

Again, I am asking that you recognize your responsibility to protect the rights of all citizens — especially the rights of our children — to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The children in Connecticut were denied those rights.

Barbara Bentley