To the editor,

I just want to take a moment to thank Helen Venada, as she retires, for her contributions to the islands and to our County government. She is one of the unsung folks who work long and hard in County government and never really get the recognition and thank you for a job well done.

Helen has been tireless in her commitment to good environmental practices and to the 3 “R’s” in waste management of reduction, reuse and recycling. As part of her responsibilities, she is the one who made hazardous waste collection work and who was the conscience for all of us to be careful with our waste and take care of our environment.

For those of us who are sometimes outspoken about some aspect or other of how our county government is conducting it’s business, it is important to remember and recognize that there are many folks in the county departments who show up every day, do a great job and unfortunately are often taken for granted.

Helen, thank you for all you have done for our community. Your truly have made a difference.

John Evans