From Sharon Abreu

Next Sunday, Feb. 26, at the Fire Station in Eastsound from 12:30-2:30 pm, we’ll have the opportunity to get familiar with a Resolution that’s being submitted to our County Council in support of a constitutional amendment stating that corporations are not people and money isn’t speech.

This type of Resolution is sweeping the country through the efforts of Move To Amend.

Although a Resolution isn’t binding, it sets forth our desire and intention, and that is the first step in pushing for the actual change we want our representatives to bring about. Elected officials need to see that we want our constitutional democracy back. It’s really important that the County Council sees local residents come to all three San Juan Islands meetings.

There are bills in the Washington State legislature now – Senate Bill no. 8007 and House Bill no. 4005. Legislators need the people of the state to show their support, through local actions. Our legislators would not have such budget woes, directly hurt our community, if artificial entities did not have such a hold on state and federal government. Due to campaign/lobbying efforts running rampant through legalized Super PACs, citizens have been losing fair representation for years.

New Mexico and Hawaii have passed Resolutions to amend the Constitution. Vermont towns are voting March 6, and it’s expected the state will follow. Los Angeles, New York City; Portland, Maine and Portland, Oregon have passed Resolutions. The Montana Supreme Court has blocked the Citizen’s United decision. There are hundreds of municipalities and counties that have passed or are proposing to pass this Resolution.

Meetings will be taking place this weekend on Orcas, Lopez and San Juan. Similar efforts are happening in Bellingham, Bremerton, La Connor, Mt. Vernon, Oak Harbor, Tri-Cities, Spokane and counties working on similar resolutions or a bill of rights.

Please join us in this important undertaking and spread the word.