Each year, the Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF) allocates donor-specified funds via a Youth Grant to several high school classes so that they may learn about philanthropic decision-making.  The classes select a number of local organizations based on how they feel the funds can do the most good.

This year, Kathy Collister’s Orcas High School US Government class used a generous portion of its grant to award $800 to the Island Reproductive Health Initiative (IRHI), and we whole-heartedly thank them!  IRHI exists to help teens and young adults make healthy choices by providing the tools they need, such as affordable access to health care and contraceptives, and increased education regarding the issues they face.  It’s extremely gratifying that our students recognize the value of our efforts!

IRHI Steering Committee

Greg Ayers
Marta Branch
Sarah Davis
Jean Henigson
Phoebe Hershenow
Sarah Lyle
Marta Nielson
Iris Parker-Pavitt
Kari Schuh
Barb Skotte

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