Three years ago, the Band and String Orchestra were combined. We held concerts in our loud, dusty cafeteria to an audience of parents and siblings. Now, we have both flourishing branches of the music program in the high school. We hold two concerts each year in the Orcas Center and play at various community events including Art Openings at Orcas Center, the Library Tea, and the MAG Concert. The Band has traveled to local competitions and jazz festivals and the Strings now  attend state competitions and have been awarded an “Excellent” rating and two “Superior” ratings at these events. Not only that, but the majority of our Strings members have been selected to participate in the regional Honor Orchestra held every fall.

We can’t believe how much we’ve accomplished; it makes us actually enjoy waking up for our 7:30 am practices! Finally, we have an outlet to express our love of music and ensemble performance. Having a group of peers who share your talent, enthusiasm, and love of music is priceless. It’s allowed us to develop our character and musical ability, as evidenced by our high school seniors who have gone on to other music programs in college and beyond.

Which is why it devastates us that funding for music has been so decreased that the school must combine the middle and high school programs. This will negatively affect our more advanced members’ continued musical growth and our newer members’ ability to acquire essential skills, detrimentally influencing the entire program.

That’s why we are putting on a benefit concert for the program this Wednesday, September 12th at 7:00 pm in the Community Church. We invite you to attend and help support the music program that supports us and, by extent, the entire community. Donations are greatly appreciated.

We hope to see you there,

Jules Mann and Brigid Ehrmantraut