Dear friends of the Orcas Museum,

During this mid-summer season we are experiencing a dire shortage of volunteers who are willing and able to help out at the Front Desk here at the Museum.  Many of our regular volunteers are off traveling, and we have some gaping holes in our schedule.

If you or someone you know, whether they have been involved at the Museum in the past or not, could fill in some shifts, we would GREATLY appreciate it!

I will train any new volunteers, and if you feel you are just not up to facing the complexities of the cash register, I would even say it would be fine just to tally all the admissions and sales by hand, and I will enter them into the register at the end of the day.  On weekdays I am always just a few steps away in the office, and willing to help.  On weekend days that is not the case . .. . .. .

The Museum is currently open Wed thru Mon from 11am to 4pm.  The days are split into two shifts:  11am to 1:30pm, and 1:30pm to 4pm.

Here are the shifts we need to fill:

Mondays – afternoon shift  – we have no one signed up for the rest of the season
Mondays morning shift –  alternating weeks starting Aug 8th
Saturdays – afternoon –  we have no one signed up for the rest of the season
Sat Aug 20 – morning – we need a fill-in for the person who usually does it, who needs to be away.

Please contact the OIHM office at 376-4849 as soon as possible if you think you can commit to any one of these slots, or better yet:  a series of them .. . .   but we will accept whatever we can get!

Thank you!

Irene Ekberg
Orcas Island Historical Society Office Administrator

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