Saturday, April 14, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at Moran State Park

The play structure in Moran State Park is open and yet maybe you thought the orange fence was an indication that it was closed.  The orange fence is only a sign of ongoing perimeter work — which we hope to take care of this Saturday, with your help.  Now that the weather is beginning to improve we can move and spread dirt and take down the orange fence.  We hope this Saturday you’ll come help us rake soil, remove small rocks, sprinkle grass seed and spread a nurturing straw blanket.

But this can’t all happen without your help.  As many know the park budget and staff have been severely cut, so we really need all capable hands to lend some time! We have several park projects planned for Saturday.

You can come lend a hand anytime between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.  Come for a few hours, come for the day.  We’ll be providing lunch courtesy of Pat Muffett and Karen and Ken Speck with a lecture by Rusell Barsh.

Bring some gloves and join us, it should be a beautiful day and time well spent.

If you can’t make it this Saturday consider volunteering at the Gift Shop or the Summit Learning Center (opening in June).  Our shops are staffed by volunteers and the income is a key funding mechanism for park projects and outdoor education. You can learn more online or renew your membership at or mail your check to Friends P.O. Box 1961 Eastsound, WA 98245.

You can also find us on Facebook now. We look forward to seeing all our friends!

Thanks in advance for supporting our local state park and Friends of Moran.

Michel Vekved