To the Editor –

I was at the Shoreline Master Program visioning meeting last night [Sept. 21], and I was deeply embarrassed and concerned about the tone of voice used by some of the attendees. You may not know me, but I am your neighbor, and as such I expect neighbors to respect each other — to listen with courtesy and speak with care. What I heard last night was discourteous, careless, and disrespectful.

We may not all share the same opinions, and in a democracy that is a good thing. Differing points of view should be welcomed and considered. Each of us has a right to our opinion, but with that right comes a serious obligation: opinions should be formed after open discussion, careful thought, and thorough evaluation of all the facts of an issue.

As far as I can tell, there is no conspiracy to rob the residents of Orcas Island of our rights to life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. If there is, please let me know.  But give me a good argument to back up your opinion. I will listen to you carefully, evaluate the facts you present, and form my opinion. I expect the same respect from you.

Barbara Bentley

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