Dear Editor,

On behalf of FRIENDS of the San Juans and over 2,000 of our members, I would like to thank Washington Governor Jay Inslee and Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber for urging a thorough examination of the greenhouse gas emissions and other air quality effects of coal leasing and export in their March 25 letter to the White House Council on Environmental Quality.

Climate change is the most far reaching impact of coal export for our global community. In San Juan County alone it could mean greater sea level rise, more extreme weather events and increased ocean acidification that will impact our shellfisheries.

The Gateway Pacific Terminal north of Bellingham would ship 48 million metric tons of coal every year to Asian markets. These ships would pass through our water creating increased threats of a collision or spill. Burning this coal would create 96 million metric tons of carbon dioxide every year. According to the EPA, Washington State’s 2010 CO2 emissions due to fossil fuel combustion totaled 76.64 million metric tons every year. So just one of the proposed five coal terminals in Washington and Oregon would double our state’s greenhouse gas emissions – completely counteracting all of Washington’s leadership in setting progressive policies intended to address greenhouse gas emissions and their effect on global climate change.

I am encouraged to see Governors Inslee and Kitzhaber working together to take a stand on global climate change that is associated with coal export. This is a very important step toward making sure all environmental impacts are evaluated when permits are being considered for the coal export terminals in Washington and Oregon.

Please join us in thanking them for their leadership.

Katie Fleming, Community Engagement Director
FRIENDS of the San Juans