Dear friends,

It has just been brought to my attention that a very important public meeting has been scheduled at the Eastsound Firehouse at 12:30 Monday, March 30 to get public comment on the draft cell tower ordinance soon to be presented to the County Council for a vote.

From what I have heard about the content of the draft ordinance, it has been formulated primarily to facilitate expanded cell phone coverage without taking into account concerns that the public may have about the potential health effects of cell tower radiation nor the public’s concerns about the aesthetics of the installation.

I have not yet read the draft but have grave concerns about the apparently cavalier attitude that the draft task force has taken toward public concerns — particularly those about potential health risks. Concerns about health risks are warrented. This is not airy-fairy stuff.

We need a big public turnout at this meeeting to be sure that the Council is aware of the public’s concern about this. Please tell everyone you know who is concerned about the possibility of a cell tower being located within 50 ft. of their house anywhere in the County to be at the meeting.

Hope to see you all there.  Please pass this on.

Bill Griswold

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